2024 Supporting Partners

Our mission is to empower patients of color with the knowledge and trust to pursue clinical trials that can save or extend their lives. We envision a world where communities of color receive the best and most advanced healthcare available, allowing them to live full, healthy lives. To learn more, visit karensclub.org

Tigerlily Foundation Tigerlily Foundation aims to educate and advocate to empower, and support young women, before, during and after breast cancer. Through our programs, we seek to educate and empower women of all backgrounds, including those at heightened risk, those facing health disparities, and those with less access to care. To learn more, visit https://www.tigerlilyfoundation.org/

Touch, The Black Breast Cancer Alliance drives the collaborative efforts of patients, survivors, advocates, advocacy organizations, health care professionals, researchers and pharmaceutical companies to work collectively, with accountability, towards the common goal of eradicating Black Breast Cancer. To learn more, please visit www.touchbbca.org
2024 Media Partners

Big4Bio is the premier aggregator of news and developments in the life sciences sector. Our name stands for the cornerstone “Big 4” in biosciences and health: drugs, devices, diagnostics, and digital (also known as the “four D’s”), and our free, daily email newsletters give readers easy-to-scan headlines to “Big 4” content gleaned from thousands of industry sources. We produce individual summaries for the most significant life sciences markets in the world: Boston, San Francisco Bay Area, San Diego, Philadelphia, DC/VA/MD region (Capital Region), New York City, Los Angeles, and Seattle. Learn more at big4bio.com

Clinical Leader’s mission is to facilitate connections and foster collaborations in the preclinical and clinical research space. We deliver exclusive, actionable information to help industry professionals tackle the challenges they face in bringing high-quality therapies to market quickly and efficiently. These insights, analysis, and best practices come from interviews with — and contributed articles from — recognized experts in the field. Learn more at Clinicalleader.com.

Life Science Leader is an essential business journal for life science executives who work for everything from emerging biotechs to Big Pharma’s. Our content is designed to inform readers of industry best practices and motivate them to implement those practices in their businesses. Each month, Life Science Leader features interviews with executives from the leading pharma and biotech companies, including Pfizer, Merck, Daiichi Sankyo, Genentech, Genzyme, Eli Lilly, and Janssen, as well as the FDA and more. This exclusive thought leadership provides an in-depth look into industry trends and hot topics that will impact the growth of the pharma and biopharma markets. As the market is continually growing and innovating, these insights provide readers with actionable information and strategies to implement when navigating the evolving clinical, manufacturing, entrepreneurial, and regulatory landscapes.
Learn more at lifescienceleader.com
Outsourcing-Pharma offers 360-degree coverage of the pharma landscape, providing industry professionals news focused on clinical trials, commercial development and manufacture of small molecule drugs. Our editorial standards are unsurpassed and we deliver insightful content across multiple channels to the right people wherever they are operating. Learn more here.
STAT delivers trusted and authoritative journalism about health, medicine, and the life sciences. Millions of new readers turned to us as we sounded the alarm early on about the Covid-19 pandemic. Our journalists go deep in tough-minded coverage of the business of making medicines, health tech, science, and public health. Learn more at https://www.statnews.com/